Saturday 1 January 2011

Impact of Environmental Pollution





Since humans know the civilization, human beings are always trying to improve the quality of life. Improving quality of life is nothing but an attempt to get the comforts of life.

To improve the quality of human life is so since the industrial revolution. At that time the human race to create new machines, to produce new products are expected to be enjoyed in the shortest possible time. The race is also plagued the field of agriculture and plantation, through land clearing and plantation agriculture. With the help of machinery, agricultural products and plantations can be enhanced and turned into a much-needed human material, namely food and clothing. For the improvement of human life mines recently opened to get the natural resources contained in the earth. The race was the opening of new mines is more accelerated again with population growth.

In order to meet basic human needs of food, clothing and shelter, humans take advantage of new discoveries of science technology to move the existing natural resources as much as possible and as quickly as possible. The development of science and technology was rapidly nowadays are positive or negative impact. Positive impact is expected by humans in order to improve the quality and comforts of life. Unexpected negative impacts of human nature, because it can reduce the quality and comforts of life.

Human Concerns over environmental issues, which can reduce the quality and comforts of life must be observed as well as possible, if we do not want the planet Earth can not provide a carrying capacity of nature to human survival.

The handling of environmental issues can not stand alone, must involve many disciplines of knowledge and arouse public awareness about the importance of environmental sustainability for natural resources remain secure for human survival.


Problem Formulation

Natural resources is defined as the natural ability to support human life. Therefore, natural resources must be kept to provide support for human life. Natural resources need to be maintained, because the carrying capacity of nature can be reduced or shrink over time and in line with the rapid development of science and technology and industrial progress.

The amount is increasing, resulting in the more natural resources that must be taken to meet their needs. Management of natural resources to satisfy human needs depends on a good carrying capacity is required the intervention of science and technology. The role of science and technology to develop properly if the human community (residents) have a good organizational system.

Human survival also related to the components of the social and natural components. Interrelationships between these components will provide an outcome that reflects the state of society and its natural state. Effect of natural components and social components and the result or a result of people's lives can be seen in the community who rely on the activities of his life he did.

In hunting society whose lives are always moving, even if only a temporary stay has advanced features of using primitive tools and weapons, control of environment and natural surroundings, good at looking for sources of food and water sources for his life. Population level is still low and not familiar with technology. Thanks to the forging of nature, his strong resistance, not familiar with natural resource conservation. Environmental damage due to the use of fire.

In the life of farming communities whose lives are lived near their workplace (agricultural land) has a feature of trying to absorb new technologies associated with increased agricultural production, although work is still done entirely by human power. Mastering the types of plants and animals in accordance with its natural environment. High population levels, so that tends to increase the area of agricultural land. This can result in damage to the environment. Know deviation food, good life durability. Already familiar with the conservation of natural resources. The use of chemical pest eradication resulted in environmental damage due to industrial and excessive energy consumption.

Of the three people's lives, there is a reasonable potential for human-mind. With the human mind can alter the environment so the impact is positive or negative impact. Nature of mind with good intentions, will be able to improve the quality and comfort of human life.

The ability of natural resources (environment) must be maintained so as not to corrupt and bad for humans, given the natural resources (environment) is crucial to human survival. If there is damage to natural resources, not possible in the waiting recovery naturally.

In general, damage to natural resources caused by internal factors and external factors. Damage due to internal factors is the damage that comes from the natural (earth) itself. This damage is difficult to prevent because it is a natural process that occurs in nature (earth) who are looking for the balance of nature, such as volcanic eruptions that damage the surrounding natural environment, earthquake that caused a shift in the soil layer and tsunami caused extensive flooding of storms, forest fires due process natural long dry season caused by dew that serves as a lens collector fire (at the point of focus) when exposed to sunlight, when dew has not evaporated. This damage is generally accepted as a natural disaster.

Meanwhile, because of damage to the external factor is the damage caused by human activities in order to improve the quality and comfort of his life. Because of this damage is caused by humans. So a human obligation to reduce or if possible to avoid damage caused by external factors in general.

Generally this type of damage caused by industrial activities, in the form of industrial waste, the use of fossil fuels (coal, oil), motor vehicle exhaust gas.



In an attempt to improve the quality of life, human copes with all the power to process and utilize existing natural resources for the achievement of the desired quality of life. Reasonable minds be best utilized to achieve those goals. Through the intellect of his mind, man creates new equipment, such machinery and other tools, a high-tech, in order to produce an abundant product in a short time.

The use of high-tech machinery and equipment, to dredge the natural resources on a large scale, then sent to the industries to be processed so that the finished goods. Of course, this activity will impact on the environment and human life. The impact on the environment to reduce the carrying capacity of nature, which means it will reduce the natural ability to support human survival. While the impact on people will reduce or degrade the quality of human life.

Activities in the field of industry and technology was originally intended to improve the quality of human life, turns on the other hand can result in a detriment of human survival. Industrial and technological activities can disturb the balance of the environment. If the environmental balance is disturbed, then the quality of the environment also changes. Though many comforts of life is determined by the carrying capacity of the environment or quality of the environment that supports human survival.

The elements of the environment (living and non-living beings) interact with each other, there is a fit in, there is cooperation, there is an attack, there is protect yourself, there are conflicting, there is silence or someone's trying to master the other. At one time these forces will be moving towards a balance (homeostasis).

Naturally homeostatic state can be achieved with a penny himself, but take a long time. Nature has the ability to manage and restore themselves when difficulty arises. Homeostasis can be accelerated by human intervention.

Industrial activities and technologies can provide direct and indirect impacts. It said if the direct impact of industrial activities and technologies can be directly felt by humans. The direct impact is expected to be positive that human beings, the direct impacts that are negative should be avoided or reduced, because it can reduce the quality of human life.

The direct impact is negative due to industrial activities and technologies, can be seen from the occurrence of the problem:


Air Pollution

Water Pollution

Soil pollution

The three kinds of pollution will reduce the carrying capacity of nature, because it needs to be avoided in an effort to preserve the environment.




Air Pollution

Air pollution is defined as any material or foreign substances in the air that causes changes in the composition (composition) normal air. The presence of foreign material or substance in the air in a certain amount and the air in a long time, will be able to disrupt the lives of humans, animals and plants. When circumstances such as these occur. Then said to have polluted the air, meaning comfort of human life disrupted.

Air is a mixture of various gases that comparison is not fixed, depending on air temperature, air pressure and the surrounding environment. In the air there is oxygen (O2) to breathe, Carbon dioxide (CO2) to the process of photosynthesis by green leaves (chlorophyll) and Ozone (O3) to withstand ultraviolet light.

In general, the causes of air pollution there are 2 kinds of internal factors (dust is flying as a hoax wind, ash (dust) emitted by volcanic eruptions along the volcanic gases and decomposition of organic waste) and external factors (the burning of fossil fuels. Dust from industrial activities and the use of chemicals that is sprayed into the air).

Clean air that we breathe is an invisible gas, odorless, colorless and tasteless. However, the air is really clean is difficult to obtain, especially in big cities. Polluted air can damage the environment and human life. means less damage to natural resources which in turn reduces the quality of human life.


Components of Air Pollution.

The number of components of air pollutants depends on the source. Components of air pollutants can contaminate the air individually or jointly. Based on the origin and continuation of its development in the air, air pollutants are divided into:


Primary air pollutants, namely that there are pollutants in the air in a form that almost did not change, just like when freed from its source as a result of a particular process.

Primary air pollutants are classified into five groups, namely:


Carbon Monoxide (CO)

A component is a colorless gas, odorless and has no taste. Carbon monoxide is formed from incomplete combustion of carbon or carbon-containing component or the reaction between carbon dioxide and carbon-containing components at high temperatures carbon dioxide is broken down into carbon monoxide and atomic oxygen.

Sources of Carbon monoxide is the most widely used gasoline as a transportation fuel. The second largest source of CO is the burning of agricultural products (trash, wood remnants of the forest). The third source of CO is the iron and steel industry. Effect of CO on the body mainly due to the reaction of CO with hemoglobin (Hb) in the blood.

Hemoglobin in the blood to function normally in the transport system to carry oxygen (O2) in the form oksihaemoglobin can form into the lungs. With the CO can form karboksihaemoglobin Haemoglobin (COHb). If a reaction occurs so that the blood's ability to transport oxygen is reduced. COHb in the blood with a high concentration affect the central nervous system, abnormal sensory reactions, blurred vision. When even higher COHb concentrations, can cause pusinhg head, nausea, dizzy, fainting and difficulty breathing can lead to death.


Nitrogen Oxides (NOx)

Nitrogen oxides are a group of gases in the atmosphere, consisting of the gas nitric oxide (NO) and nitrogen dioxide (NO2). NO is a gas that is colorless and odorless, whereas NO2 has a reddish brown and smelly. NOx gases in the air mainly comes from exhaust combustion products out of the stationary power generators or machines that use natural gas fuels, forest fires, burning of solid waste, agricultural waste burning. NO has the ability to restrict blood oxygen levels, as well as CO. easily reacts with oxygen to form NO2-. when NO2 met with moisture in the air or in the human body will be formed HNO3 very harmful to the body. Because of that NO2 will feel painful when on the eyes, nose, respiratory tract and heart. High concentrations can cause death. NO2 will damage the metal goods, creating slices. NO2 can absorb ultraviolet rays from the sun.


Hydrocarbon (HC)

Hydrocarbon component consists only of the elements hydrogen and carbon. Incomplete combustion in car engines, filling petrol into a vehicle gas tank, always happened to evaporation. HC can beruapa gas, liquid and solid. HC compounds can cause cancer.


Sulfur oxides

Sox mainly caused by two components, a colorless gas, namely sulfur dioxide (SO2) and sulfur trioxide (SO3). SO2 has karakteristim sharp odor and no burning in the air, while SO3 is not reactive. SO2 when reacting with water vapor to form sulfuric acid, which will damage the metal surface (railroads, vehicles, backyard fence), destroy the rocks (granite, marble), meubah colors of objects and objects become brittle (plastic, rubber, paper), SOx cause irritation of the respiratory system. SOx in the air pollution mainly comes from the use of coal used in industrial activities, transportation, industrial processes.



The particles are air pollutants that can be co-equal material or other contaminants. The particles include a variety of shapes and can be:


Aerosols, particles are scattered and floating in the air

Fox or mist, particles of water droplets in the air.

Smoke or smoke, particles of a mixture between solid and liquid particle scattered in the air.

Dust or dust, particles of solid form of granules scattered and floating in the air due to wind blow.

Mist, similar Kabat, liquid granules scattered and floating in the air (not water droplets)

Fume, smoke-like just cause condensation aerosol that comes from the hot steam.

Plume, smoke coming out of an industrial chimney (factory)

Haze, all of which interfere with the view of aerosols in the air.

Smog, a mixture of smog and fog.

Smaze, a mixture of smoke and haze.

Pollutants that will affect humans if these particles get into the human body through the respiratory system. The factors that most affect the respiratory system in particular is the particle dimension that will determine how far particles penetrate into the respiratory system. The respiratory system has several defense systems that prevent the entry of particles into the lungs. Particles affect the plant because of dust, where the dust is when joined with water vapor or rain water (rain) will form a thick crust on the surface of the leaf that can not be rewarded by the rain, except with the rub. The crust will disrupt the process of photosynthesis in plants, because it inhibits the entry of sunlight into the leaf surface and prevent the exchange of CO2 with oxygen. As a result the plant will be disrupted. Pollution particles originating from within is often considered to be reasonable. If an interruption occurs to the environment that reduces the level of comfort of living, then it will be considered as natural disasters. Examples of ash and volcanic material from volcanic eruptions. Source of particle contamination due to human activities comes largely from coal combustion, industrial processes, forest fires, the exhaust gas transport.


Secondary air pollution, ie all the pollutants in the air that has changed since a specific reaction between two or more pollutants. Generally, these secondary pollutants are the result of primary pollutant with other pollutants in the air. For example, ozone (O3), which occurs molukel-molukel hydrocarbon (HC) in the air with nitrogen oxide (NOx) through the influence of ultraviolet rays from the sun.


Threshold Limit Value (NAV)

Threshold value (NAV) is defined as the safe limit of a pollutant for the air quality still remain protected. There are other terms, namely the Highest Levels Allowed (KTD). NAB can be used for free air for a pollutant, while KTD more appropriate to use in the work environment, such as in a factory room, inside the industrial complex, which is basically to protect the workers who daily are in environments where contaminants continuously available.


Penanggulan Air Pollution

In order to know the fundamentals of air pollution prevention, need to understand first the overall pollution problem.

All these problems must be linked in a system, which consists of 3 main components, namely:


Emission source, a sub-system on prevention in the future.

The atmosphere as a sub system of ecological systems.

Environment, which will suffer from pollution events, and an ecological system.

In principle, the reduction can be achieved in 4 ways, namely:


Technological approach, an approach that is more technologically directed to the source of emission factors and everything is tied together as a sub-system. It's time-saving technology introduced and prevention technology for the things possible. Saving technology used to save the procurement of materials and saving energy resources. In this technology there are always alternatives to the use of other materials more readily available because the source is still abundant, as well as the seminal may generate waste products. Prevention technology is basically more emphasis on the consideration of aspects that can reduce unwanted effects on the environment as much as possible, such impacts.

Planologis approach, an approach that aimed at structuring the physical environment for a reciprocal basis to avoid adverse effects that are expected to override the environment. It is expected that the planning and implementation planologis can create the environment that can guarantee the safety, comfort and fun for life. Transportation system planning related to traffic density, considering that more vehicles kelambaan membemaskan CO because it is more possible incomplete combustion occurs. In addition to the separation line for non-vehicles, personal vehicles, trucks, buses and others.

Administrative approach, an approach which is binding on all parties to follow the provisions in force by reason of a provision of law to society, and dibinanya administrative provisions by officers and executive apparatus of government in a way carefully. Nationally need legal products that regulate the requirements of various standards for the industry.

Educative approach, an approach to coaching and continuous penerangangan to the public good in order to motivate and raise awareness participated maintain environmental sustainability.



There's air plan does not include the components of air pollutants of CO, SOx, NOx, HC and particles, but the effect on the environment which ultimately can affect the comfort of human life. noise pollution, among others.

Industrial and technological progress, among others, characterized by the use of machines that can manage and produce materials and goods needed by humans are quick to assist humans in performing their duties mobility is used motorized means of transportation, to cover all infrastructure and facilities are also used motorized equipment for the purpose of building physical construction.

Use of these machines often generate noise. Therefore, noise can interfere with the environment and spread through the air, it is intended as a pollution in the air, although the composition of air has not changed.

Noise is a sound that can disrupt and damage human hearing. if the auditory nerve stimulation did not want it then the sound is called noise. The quality of sound is determined by:


Sound frequency, ie the number of vibrations per second. Unit Hertz (Hz).

Sound intensity, the comparison voltage and voltage noise comes standard voice can be heard by a normal human being at a frequency of 1000 Hz, with units of decibels (dB).

According to the source, noise divided into:


Impulsive noise, the noise is not coming continuously, but in bits and pieces, such as noise from the hammer that struck sound, noise coming from the engine mounting pile.

Continuous noise, noise that comes from continuing in a long time, such as noise coming from the engine run / start.

Semi-continuous noise, continuous noise that only an instant, then disappear and probably will come again, such a passing car.

The higher the noise level, the less time the contact is allowed. Sound with high noise levels and high notes are very disturbing, even more so when coming discontinuously and abruptly. His influence will be felt very annoying noise when the source is unknown.


Insecticide Spraying

It has long been an insect (insects) to bully the comfort of human life. insects with the amount of which more will become pests. Insects in excessive amounts will become pests. Insects can invade and damage of agricultural land resulting in crop failure. Insects around the house is also very disturbing, material dispersion media can be a particular disease. Therefore, humans tried to eradicate these annoying insects.

In general, insect killer spray insecticide into the air. Spraying insecticide on agricultural land to cover a very wide area so that if necessary, interfere in the vicinity of the house (mosquitoes, cockroaches, ants) are also killed by spraying insecticide. Spraying insecticides into the air without realizing it is actually the cause of air pollution. Although the use of insecticides intended to kill insects, but if of usage, excessive and in a long time, the insecticide can have a negative impact on humans. therefore the use of insecticides should be done carefully.


Water Pollution

Water pollution is a deviation from the properties of water under normal circumstances, not from kemurniaannya. Water spread across the universe is never found in pure form, but that does not mean that all the water was contaminated. The presence of foreign objects that cause the water can not be used according to their function normally referred to as pollution.


Chemical-Physical Aspects of Water Pollution

Chemical-physical properties of water are generally tested and can be used to determine

Water pollution are:


The pH, acidity and Alkalinity

Normal pH value of water is approximately neutral, ie between 6-8, while the contaminated water, its pH value depending on the type pencemarnya (waste). Fresh water from the mountains usually have higher pH, the longer the pH of the water will go to acidic conditions. This is because the increase in organic materials membebaskanCO2 when experiencing the process of decomposition.

Water lmbah inorganic materials industry in general contain mineral acids in quantities too high so high acidity or low pH. The existence of iron-sulfur (FeS2) in high amounts in the water will also increase the acidity, because of FeS2 with air and water to form H2SO4 and iron (Fe) is soluble.

Discussion of acidity in the wastewater, either in the direction alkaline (pH rises) as well as to the direction of acid (pH down), will greatly disrupt the lives of fish and other aquatic animals. In addition, waste water which has a low pH is highly corrosive to steel and often results in a rusty iron pipe.

Acidity is the ability to neutralize wet. High acidity does not necessarily have a low pH. A weak acid can have a high acidity means have the potential to release hydrogen, for example carbonic acid, acetic acid and other organic acids.

Alkalanitas related to water hardness, which is one of the water properties of calcium ions (Ca) and magnesium (Mg) in the water will cause water hardness properties. Water with high hardness can cause corrosion of equipment made of iron, causing less foaming soap, may precipitate or crust in container processing.



Water is often used as a cooling medium in industrial processes. Water cooling was used, it will get hot from the desired material, then returned to its original place, ie a river or other water sources. Wastewater may have a higher temperature than water origin.

Rising water temperatures will lead to decreasing the amount of oxygen dissolved in water, increase the speed of chemical reactions, disrupt the lives of fish and other aquatic hewn, that if the lethal temperature limit is exceeded, fish and other aquatic animals might die.

Water temperature time or waste water is relatively high is marked by the emergence of fish and other aquatic animals surface to seek oxygen.


Dissolved Oxygen

Oxygen gas is odorless, tasteless and only slightly soluble in water. To sustain life, creatures that live in water of dissolved oxygen depends on this. Thus dissolved oxygen levels can be used as benchmarks to determine water quality.

Life in water to survive when there is a minimum dissolved oxygen of 5 ppm dala (5 mg oxygen per liter of water). Instead rely on resistance of organisms, degree of activeness, the presence of contaminants, the water temperature. Dissolved oxygen can be derived from the process of plant photosynthesis and water from the atmosphere (air) enters the water.

The concentration of dissolved oxygen is too low will result in fish and other aquatic animals that need oxygen will die. Instead of dissolved oxygen is too high also result in rapid corrosion process, because oxygen will bind hydrogen that coats the metal.


Carbon dioxide in water.

Concentrations of dissolved oxygen in water depends on the concentration of carbon dioxide that exists. When the air in contact with surface water, the carbon dioxide from the air spinning in the water. In still water there was a slight exchange, when the surging water, the exchange will be faster. The process of exchange that occurs is called diffusion.

Carbon dioxide is also present in water-borne rain when the water drops fell from the air. This resulted in slightly acidic rainwater.


Colour and turbidity

Water color found in nature are very varied, for example water in the swamp of yellow, brown or green. The river water is usually brownish yellow because they contain the mud. Waste water containing large amounts of iron in reddish brown. Water color that is not normally an indication of water pollution. Turbidity indicates the optical properties of water, leading to habituation of light into the water. This turbidity is due to the floating material and terurainya certain substances, such as microorganisms of organic materials, sludge, clay and other objects that float or floats and is very smooth at all. The more turbid water, the higher the electrical conductivity and the more the solid.



Solids in the water will settle to the bottom water, which will eventually lead to silting. Another consequence of the solids is the growth of certain aquatic plants and be toxic to other creatures. number indicates the number of sludge solids contained in water. Basically contaminated water always contains solid.



Nitrate nitrogen as a source of numerous in the air. Only a few organisms can directly take advantage of air nitrogen. Plants can suck in the form of Nitrate Nitrogen (NO3).

The conversion of free nitrogen in the air to nitrate can be biologically and chemically. Transportation is called fixation (binding) Nitrogen.

Chemical fixation occurred due to lightning in the air to provide enough energy to unify Nitrogen and Oxygen, to form nitrogen dioxide (NO2). This gas reacts with water to form nitric acid (NO3).

Plants and animals that have died will describe the protein by the decomposition of ammonia and ammonium compounds. Nitogen in the urine and feces will end up as ammonia as well.

When the ammonia in the change into Nitrate, then the water will have Nitrate. Nitrite is highly toxic in the water, but did not last long. Nitrate is changed to nitrite in the stomach and nitrite poisoning will result in the face turned blue and death.



Protein and other organic substances containing phosphorus. Herbivores that eat plants will get the phosphorus. When plants and animals die, then the parser will return the phosphorus bacteria into the water as dissolved organic matter. Metabolismen residual dirt in life where the bacteria ultimately decipher these organic compounds into phosphorus.


Biochemical Aspects of Pollution

Organisms degrading will describe organic compounds into carbon dioxide and water. Other bacteria convert ammonia and nitrite to nitrate. For this process required oxygen. When organic matter in water only a little, then the bacteria will easily decompose without oxygen in water balance disorders.

Oxygen is used will be replaced by natural means. If the amount of organic matter is a lot, then the bacteria will multiply themselves decomposers. This generally will result in lack of oxygen, such as in swamps and in the bottom of ponds and lakes where the water is not flowing.

Humans continually dispose of organic waste into water that will be a shortage of oxygen in the water. Tests associated with the oxygen content in water can be divided into two, namely:


Test BOD (Biochemical Oxygen Demand), biochemical oxygen demand test.

Test COD (Chemical Oxygen Demand), chemical oxygen demand test.


Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD)

BOD indicates the amount of dissolved oxygen required living organisms to degrade or oxidize the waste materials in the water. So the BOD value does not show the actual amount of organic material, but only measure the relative amount of oxygen required to oxidize these waste materials. When oxygen consumption is high, as indicated by the little remaining oxygen dissolved in the water, the mean content of waste materials that require oxygen are high.

In general, contaminated water low oxygen content. This is because the oxygen dissolved in the water is absorbed by micro-organisms to prevent organic waste materials so that the volatile material (marked with a bad smell.)

In addition, organic waste materials can also react with dissolved oxygen in the water following the normal oxidation. Organic materials are usually derived from paper industries, leather tanning industry, food processing industry (bakery industry, dairy industry, industrial butter, frozen shrimp industry, fish canning industry), household waste materials, agricultural waste material, animal waste and manure human.


Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD)

To determine the amount of organic matter in water can be a test that is faster than the BOD test, which is based on the chemical reaction of an oxygen material. COD test is a test that determines the amount of oxygen required by the oxide material, to oxidize organic matter contained in the water.

Many organic materials are not experiencing rapid biological decomposition based on a 5-day BOD test, but the organic compounds also reduce water quality. Bacteria can oxidize organic matter to CO2 and H2O.


Other Pollutants

There are several other pollution materials that affect water quality. Materials pollution include heavy metals.


Mercury (Hg).

Mercury is a natural element, often polluting the environment, there is in the form of compounds with other elements. mercury is almost entirely produced by the combustion of mercury sulfide (HgS) in the air, mercury is released as steam, which then experienced condensation.

Mercury is used in the production of power tools for various purposes, misalnyalampu mercury, mercury batteries. Mercury is used also as fungsida, kill the fungus in the paint, pulp, paper and agricultural industries. Paint used for boat often added mercury oxide (HgO) as anti-fungal or anti-mercury acetate as obsolete. Mercury is also used in the process of plastic basic material. Mercury metal is also used in thermometers and temperature recording devices because there is liquid form at a wide temperature range. The use of mercury in the industry have resulted in environmental pollution.

In the case of mercury poisoning in Minamata Bay (Japan), mercury sulphate which is used in industry, dumped into Minamata Bay sea. Components of mercury can contaminate fish and other aquatic creatures, including disturbance and aquatic plants. Furthermore, small fish eaten by fish or water creatures larger or get into the body through the gills, shells also can collect mercury in her home. Fish and aquatic animals are then consumed by humans, so people can collect mercury in her body.

All components of the mercury is toxic to the body, mercury in the body can inhibit the ability of the enzyme and cause cell damage.


Lead (Pb)

The use of lead to the production of storage batteries for automobiles, where the use of lead metal, for metal products, such as ammunition, cable coatings, pipe, solder, dye. These products must be corrosion-resistant metal, such as pipe used to drain the chemicals are corrosive.

The nature of the interaction between other low melting point, is a soft metal that easily change its shape, a metal that serves as a protective layer when in contact with moist air.


Pollution Sources

Sources of pollution can be divided into domestic sources, namely all the waste coming from the bathroom, toilet, kitchen, laundry, pharmacies, hospitals, which consists of organic materials in solid or liquid, hazardous and toxic (B3), salt soluble, fat and bacteria.

Other pollution sources non-domestic waste, ie all the waste coming from industrial plants, agriculture, animal husbandry, transport, consisting of organic materials, pesticides, fertilizers that contain nitrogen.


Soil Pollution

Under normal circumstances, the soil should be able to provide carrying capacity for human life, whether for agriculture, livestock, forestry and settlement. Soil is a natural resource containing organic and inorganic materials that can support plant growth. As a factor in agricultural production, soil containing water and minerals, which need to be added to replacement consumables.

Soil pollution may occur directly, such as excessive use of fertilizers, pesticides or insecticides and the provision of waste disposal which can not be solved (like plastic). Water containing pollution will change the chemical composition of the ground that it interferes with the organisms in the soil or at ground level. Contaminated air will rain containing pollutants that, as a result of land will also be contaminated.

Forms and kinds of human waste generated depends on the level of human differences. before humans know the progress of industry and technology, waste or discarded materials resulting from human activities are generally organic. In terms of environmental sustainability, organic waste is more beneficial, because it can easily be solved by microorganisms into material that is easily fused back to nature without causing pollution to the environment.

Industrial and technological progress turned out to have been adding new types of human waste, which was originally largely organic became organic and inorganic nature are difficult to decompose by microorganisms from waste glass and plastic, to facilitate the process of recycling the waste material. The process of recycling waste materials to make mmasih materials can be used again for human life.

Handling waste to prevent pollution of the area by:


Hoarding (dumping), with a view over the swamp, cliff, do soil in the open and the sea (reclamation). How such a smelly, dirty, disease and pollution.

Landfill (filling soil); berlegok land fill with trash and then backfilled / covered with soil.

Enumeration (grinding); organic waste put into penggilin tool so that it becomes small, streamed into the further processing.

Composting (composting) waste processing to obtain compost to enrich the soil. Microorganisms help decipher organic wastes into inorganic temperature and humidity on the life of microorganisms (bacteria, fungi)

Combustion (incineration); with the results of gas and residue.

Pyrolysis; treat wastewater with a chemical decomposition process at high temperatures by incomplete combustion or a chemical decomposition process deoksigenisasi, denitrogenisasi, for example a liquid, gas and solids from the waste derived from cellulose.




Since humans know the civilization, human beings are always trying to improve the quality of life. Improving quality of life is nothing but an attempt to get the comforts of life. Natural resources is defined as the natural ability to support human life. Therefore, natural resources must be kept to provide support for human life. Natural resources need to be maintained, because the carrying capacity of nature can be reduced or shrink over time and in line with the rapid development of science and technology and industrial progress.